Monday 7 June 2010


There are many aspects of teenagers and I have only started to evolve as one.
Above is a vid from the hilarious Harry Enfield in his skit in 'Kevin's guide to being a teenager'.

I believe the image of teenagers today has been corrupted by adults as they see teens as sarcastic, rude and keyboard tapping, make-up slapping inhabitants with nothing better to do than facebook each other or get drunk in a local park. Some of this is true as we do sometimes waste time on facebook when we could be visiting our friends. Not all teenage girls cake the make-up on or loose their virginity at the age of 14, that is a very small population of us, most of us are very sensible and we have our heads in the game.

The teen years are when we are trying to deal with puberty, our sudden realisation of the opposite sex, exams and tests to evaluate our ability, finding ourselves in this world and discovering greater things than Hannah Montana and playing with our dollies. We are finding our image as people. It may be rocky along the way through tantrums, door slamming, inappropriate friends and tears, but we will come out stronger.

As Georgia Nicholson once said ' My parents are from the stone age.. they hate me having a life cause theirs are practically over and mine's just started'.

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